Are you someone who wants to grow?

Then you came to the right place!
But what is it that you really want to create? Do you know?

How do you really want to work, lead and create your relationships?

Together, we find your personal path towards living and loving life fully.

And it will be fun too!

Exploring what matters and understanding being human; being you.

Life happens right here, right now. From birth until we die we experience our very own psychological reality that we create moment by moment.
Do you know how yours works?

Let’s find out together

Leo Pessl

  • My life is about having you grow and flourish. I am committed to impacting peoples well-being and power to create a good life for themselves and others.

    This is my story:
    Born in Austria and raised in Germany by an American Mother and Austrian father, Leo developed a sense of alienation early in life. His »ADD« felt incompatible with traditional education and, feeling something was wrong with him, he found it difficult to connect with other people.

    Since 2014 he has explored the nature of the human experience and through many kind and openhearted conversations has come to understand that how he felt was as much a universal as it was a personal experience. It is what he would describe as a pandemic of disconnection and disembodiment.

    Having trained in Gestalt therapy and group dynamics, and being at much more ease with life, he reached a turning point in his career: daring to offer someone he had just met a coaching session. The feedback from that conversation helped him decide to follow his calling to coach.

    Leo has invested in working with internationally renowned coaches and teachers, and now takes much joy from helping his clients flourish and connect with a loving life. Being of service is his main drive.

    He also enjoys writing, listening to and playing music, volunteering in the name of happiness, and supporting organizations or individuals in their quest for a better world.

  • From birth till death we experience a psychological reality that we have created and use to evaluate our experiences. Life happens now, in the present. We are brought into this world believing happiness is something to be earned in the future, focusing not on how we experience the present, but believing that some distant goal will somehow make us happy with life. What a shame!
    We miss the incredible satisfaction and joy of creating the things we love and want.
    Your life isn’t what you have, get or take from the world.
    It’s in what you create from that.
    It’s in this moment.
    It’s who you are

  • People come to me that want to create a whole new level of enjoyable productivity, want to feel better with themselves or improve their relationships and leadership.

    After the time we spend together they tend to end up with more love, joy and a quite a few steps closer to what they really want.

    I can't imagine doing anything more important or enjoyable than being with that process.

    Together we will look closely at how you are relating to the world and yourself, focusing on what you wish to create and not searching the past for where the blame lies. This supports a re-creation of how you choose to relate to your life. You will end up inspired and empowered to take responsibility for who you want to be and what you want to create from what you have now.
    It's possible for everyone. It's your choice to start now.


My life is about having you grow and flourish.

And me and my loved ones too, yes.

My offers include

  • A simple meeting, an invitation

    A simple meeting, an invitation

    We all seek connection, strive toward love, and are driven by the fear of not being loved, of disconnection. Maybe you seek a deeper understanding of life or a change in yourself. Maybe you need help to work out a specific problem, or simply feel like talking to someone? A connection with someone without having to hide who you are is a beautiful thing. Fresh motivation, a different outlook on life, or clarity of mind are all possible outcomes when two people meet like this. Sometimes magic happens and both are transformed forever.

  • Co-created setting

    Co-created setting

    You are wondering what it is you could get from working with me. Well, I'll be honest: I don't know. But you do. You probably know very well what you are looking for. That's why I insist on creating an individual setting and relationship with each of my clients. Together we will create a setting that works best for us and will bring you closer to what is important to you. I know that we can create this together.

  • Group setting

    Group setting

    Groups are powerful. They can be transformative: Bringing together individuals that support each other through a time of transformation is an intense experience. I enjoy it deeply time and time again. Whatever you are seeking, the right group setting will serve every member's growth. One thing is sure: A group is bound to have an impact on your understanding of yourself and how you connect with others. You can either check out which groups you can join or you can contact me. It’s possible to create your own group or bring someone with you to an existing group. Life is full of possibilities!

I would love to meet you, exactly as you are now.